Monday, December 31, 2012


Christmas in Jacksonville
    As you can see, the belly has grown over the Christmas break and Addison is becoming much more active! I go back to the doctor in two weeks for a checkup, but sadly no ultrasound :-(  
   It has been a great break so far with Dick not having to work, so we have been doing a lot of cleaning and organizing around the house since we got back. In the next few weeks we will start putting away the furniture in what will be Addison's room for a while (at least until we move). Her bedding and furniture should be in around the same time, so we have a lot to do!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

25 Weeks 3 Days

       The belly sure did grow during the Thanksgiving break, which means that Addison is growing as well! She continues to move around and kick a lot, and you can now see the kicks through my clothes is very strange but very neat! I go back to the doctor this week to have a glucose test done....let's hope everything comes out ok....I would have a hard time staying away from sweets :-)
        We all enjoyed being in Camilla this year for Thanksgiving, where we were able to see all the cousins and how much everyone has grown!! Next year, Addison will be here!